The Schilter Group is on the lookout for a motivated postdoc to help lead our NIH-funded project on synthetic mimics of methyl-coenzyme M reductase. If you recently obtained a PhD in synthetic inorganic chemistry, are fluent in air-free techniques, and enjoy working with students, then please get in touch! Desirable but not essential experience includes: electrochemistry, EPR spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Come join us in beautiful Texas Hill Country to do some cool Ni chemistry =^.^= The position is initially for one year, but can certainly be extended pending progress.
Hello! It was so nice to meet you at ACS! I really enjoyed your talk and our brief chat during intermission. I for one was delightfully surprised with the number of people present for the last session of the conference.
I wanted to follow up and continue our conversation about your open postdoctoral position. I am very interested in pursuing your group, the Nickel-based enzyme mimic seems to align well with my strengths. I have emailed you my CV in case you want a better look at my abilities and experience, I sent it on March 25th, but I am not sure the email made it to you. Please feel free to ask me any questions. As a heads-up, we are in the process of finishing up the writing of two papers for my major projects, so they are listed as “manuscript in preparation” on my CV. I know that publish-ability is a requirement for me, and a strength of yours, and I am happy to discuss if you would like.
Thank you so much for introducing yourself, I hope to hear from you soon.
Katie Smith