
A catalog of courses on offer at Texas State University is available for students who want to choose according to their abilities and tastes. Dave teaches Analytical and Inorganic courses, in particular:

  • Chem4333/5333 Spectroscopy: in this B.S./M.S.-level course, we explore how light interacts with matter and tells us about what’s going on at an atomic scale. From the high-energy gamma/X-rays in Mössbauer spectroscopy to the low-energy radio waves in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we cover ten orders of energy magnitude with aplomb. This course is offered in Fall semesters.
  • Chem5365 Separation Methods in Chemical Analysis: in this M.S.-level course, we consider the different techniques that we might use to separate mixtures of solids, liquids and/or gases. The substances we encounter might range from large biomacromolecules to small organic species. We need to understand intermolecular forces to design an effective separation protocol and purify tricky mixtures. This skill separates (pun intended!) a great chemist from an average one. This course is offered in Spring semesters, every other year.
  • CHEM4341 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: in this B.S.-level course, we journey through advanced concepts in chemical bonding, acid–base chemistry, redox, symmetry and vibrational spectroscopy. We will apply this knowledge to understand topical species like metalloproteins and organometallic catalysts. This courses is offered in Spring semesters.

Dave is happy to share his teaching materials – just reach out!